Wednesday, August 11, 2004

reasonable progress?

I have just submitted a document to my supervisor as the first draf of the second chapter of my dissertation.

Since the middle of July, I have been keeping my journal almost everyday (which is unusual for me), trying to observe how many hours I spent to this and that. I thought it's better to do it, and hoped that it would help me better organize my time spent for studying.

But I have to try harder, because I simply couldn't finish my task as I wished.
I must consider what makes me difficult to carry out my plan. The problem at the moment is, I suppose, not really that I cannot set a practical plan which is possible to carry out, but rather that I might always be getting into side-track, and wondering about topics not primarily relevant at the moment. Perhaps I haven't really understood the scope of my dissertaion or essay.

There might be another problem of being unable to consider and then carry out what i should do to achieve the plan I set in advance.

In any case, I really have to tackle with this issue. It has, of course, nothing to do with my subject area. Nor is it especially due to language issues; I had the same problem when I was in Japan. It's just about myself.

I don't want to be pessimistic and mourn that I have made no progress.
But, it is not to say everything is ok if i keep going like this.
I wish to make a bit of progress.


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