Friday, August 13, 2004

plans and resolutions

Next thing I have to do is to write the third chapter of my dissertation, the length of which will be approx. 4000-4500 words. I can only afford to spend two weeks for it, so that I will be able to get everything done afterwards.
The deadline is fixed on Friday 27th Aug. 5 p.m. (Supervision is on 30th Mon.)
For me, it is crucial to recognize that I shouldn't keep writing untill Friday afternoon. I suppose i should allow me a few days to revise it.
It in tern means I have to get the whole chapter done, say, by Wednesday 25th in the evening.
Given this, I have resolved to write a rough draft with cemtral arguments and key supporting quotations etc. by Friday 2oth Aug (aiming at 2500-3000words). If I do this, I allow myself at least 4 days to finish writing, excluding Sunday for a day-off.
To begin with, I will write a summary of the chapter with some provisional outline by the coming Monday (16th) evening. Perhaps, it cannot be definite outline, but rather the one which roughly defines scope and central issues of the chapter. I will further refine the outline as I go on.
I hope this helps observe my short-term progress.


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