Monday, June 13, 2005

Google Revolution!!

It's a real surprise to see how Google revolutionizes the field of academic research!!

Google Print
Google Scholar

Google Print is a controversial service that has just emerged the end of last month; and I think it's been quite a while since Google Scholar became available.

While the first one allows you to perform full-text search of a large (but not unlimited) number of recent books, the latter helps you search out particular books/journal articles that refer to the book you are interested in.

I'm not sure how comprehensible their coverage is. But they are just amazing anyway!
For example, I put 'Humphrey Mackworth', the key person in my current research, in the Google Print. The result shows a number of books that I have not seen yet! It even points out pages in which his name appears. How nice!!

I think there are quite different ways to take advantage of these services.
How would you use them? If you have good ideas, please let me know!


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