Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Politics of Identity: 2005 Morrell Address given by Lord Parekh

I went to see the annual Morrell Address on Toleration this evening, given by Professor Lord Parekh (two distinguished titles!!). It turned out to be a very, very stimulating lecture.

The topic was on the politics of identity. I think he is a very distinguished scholar in that he discusses - with depth and clarity - both potentials and drawbacks of 'identity' as a category to analyze forms of politics. The depth and clarity of his lecture was such that I learned a great deal even though I'm not at all working on identity. I shall come back to this topic if time allows me to do so.


At Wednesday, 16 November, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was gonna go too but had to go to _Hamlet_ instead. Glad that you found it stimulating!!

Also would like to say do not feel you don't study hard enough.. (I am the one who is panicking, but it's my 3rd yr)...

Identity is an interesting topic, but I'm not sure how it could be researchable on a short-term small-scale project, do you know what I mean?? (well, I've been having to read on the issues concerning identity of a student researcher who interviews prestigious scholars...)


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