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I came back home on Sunday morning. No serious jet-lag, which is good. But it's hot, hot, and humid here.
Started job-hunting to see what will happen. I think it is inevitable and indispensable to me at the present circumstance.
It's inevitable because I have to find a job if I don't get any further funding. And in order to start working from next April (the beginning of Japanese business year), it's almost an imperative to start now.
At the same time, job-hunting is an indispensable means to make a well-informed decision, that is, whether or not it's worthwhile to do my Ph.D now, based on this or that amount of scholarship I get by the end of September. If I stayed in England and got some funding whilst I'm busy studying, I would find myself feel attached to the course of activity I am busy doing. But this is not the best thing. I wanted to consider all other possibilities to make a careful decision about my personal development.
Anyhow, I will have some paper exams this week. This is what I almost always have to do before I have some interviews. Paper exams for job-hunting!!! Isn't it something strange?? Or is it just a common practice in other countries? We, applicants, will have to work out some math, Japanese, geography etc. According to my friends, it's just like an entrance exam for junior-high school!! Oh well, I will see and let you know what it's like. I will have some interviews if I pass such exams.
Hiya! We all miss you!!!
You told me before about working in Japan, but I never knew you would have to pass exams too! In Taiwan I think only those who work for government institutions take exams of those! Not geogrphy tho.
All the best!!
Good Luck Koji!!
Don't be too stressed - I know you will be fine!!
What is the test actually for? Do you need any lisence or certififcate to get a job??
Best luck with you.
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