Tuesday, January 24, 2006

21-22 Jan. A good weekend

cheers!! 21 Jan 06 @ Wanyu's

I have been working pretty hard on an application for a scholarship. In the mean time, I spent a very good time over the weekend. A birthday party at Wanyu's on Saturday, and a footsal match on Sunday evening. Both were excellent. Wanchen's cake was excellent both in taste and in design, which is worth a look.


The footsal match was the first of a big competition that leads to a tournament during the International Week. Games are fought among "national teams" and "international teams", and we won with the score of 9-0. The match was later followed by a laid-back chat with our striker and his girlfriend. As always, it was nice indeed. The next match's due in two weeks time. Hope we can win that as well!!

Monday, January 16, 2006

Do you appreciate?

After I came back to york, I read a X'mas card from my friend. She has long been trying her best to become a trainee of clinical psychology. In the letter, she wrote that she wants to study hard, appriciating a patient support around her. This simple message struck me, because I thought I have been quite unaware of supports I am receiving, directly and indirectly. There are those who really think about me and try to support you. Do you really appreciate that they are there to help me? Do you thank them? How can you show your appreciation? I want to thank my friend that she let me start thinking about these things.

I have heard a few days ago that she (who wrote me a letter) has passed the exam and is going to be a trainee from April. Congratulation for her!!! I would like to follow her example and turn my appreciation into action, and then to a result.




Thursday, January 05, 2006


Mt. Fuji and the Lake Ashinoko, 19 Dec. 2005