Thursday, August 26, 2004


I am somehow doing well. I've been making a good progress since yesterday morning.
Yet, it is unlikely to be able to finish a draft by 5.00. p.m. tomorrow. I shall aim at submitting better one this time. I mean one showing whole structure and conclusion of the chapter, which might be well worth a reading.

Monday, August 23, 2004


I haven't done the task due by this evening.
This morning, I was still wondering around a bit less than 1000 words, being utterly unable to start writing any paragraphs.
I met my supervisor this evening. I was really ashemed that I could do what I obriged myself to do. But she did not make any harsh comment on it.

I think I have to do what I can do.
The biggest cause of this misachievement is that I coundn't decide at some stage to start writing a paragraph, and as a result, kept 'thinking' about the chapter in vein.
I sticked too much to the ideal to have a 'clear' outline, even though I told myself that an outline would be just provisional and be subject to change.
I have to strike the balence between 'thinking carefully before start writing' and 'to start writing just to help myself think carefully'.

Anyway, i have only 3.5 days till the deadline on Friday afternoon.
I will try not to avoid recording my progress here.

Thursday, August 19, 2004

not an easy thing

I could have done better in the last two days.
I didn't collect primary materials effectively.

Today I'm going to think a bit about the structure of the chapter again, and then go on to collect materials at the main library till it closes at 5:15 in the evening. (it's too early to close!)

If make good progress today, I will go to the library in the Univ. of Hull tomorrow.

Monday, August 16, 2004

To finish outline and summary

I have to finish an outline and summary of the chapter today.
In order to do this, I have to make sure what I have done (and am going to do) is directly relevant to the goal of the day.

Sunday, August 15, 2004

I visited Brimham Rocks yesterday, which is near Ripon, North Yorkshire, about an hour away from the city of York. We drove there by Yoshi's car. Brimham Rocks is a hill crammed with rocks of courious shapes as you see in the photo. Indeed, we were quite happy to have such a lovely day, because it'd been raining throughout the weekday, and we were a bit worring about weather. But anyway, it turned out to be really nice, and we enjoyed crimbing up to rocks, doing flying disks, etc.  Posted by Hello

Friday, August 13, 2004

plans and resolutions

Next thing I have to do is to write the third chapter of my dissertation, the length of which will be approx. 4000-4500 words. I can only afford to spend two weeks for it, so that I will be able to get everything done afterwards.
The deadline is fixed on Friday 27th Aug. 5 p.m. (Supervision is on 30th Mon.)
For me, it is crucial to recognize that I shouldn't keep writing untill Friday afternoon. I suppose i should allow me a few days to revise it.
It in tern means I have to get the whole chapter done, say, by Wednesday 25th in the evening.
Given this, I have resolved to write a rough draft with cemtral arguments and key supporting quotations etc. by Friday 2oth Aug (aiming at 2500-3000words). If I do this, I allow myself at least 4 days to finish writing, excluding Sunday for a day-off.
To begin with, I will write a summary of the chapter with some provisional outline by the coming Monday (16th) evening. Perhaps, it cannot be definite outline, but rather the one which roughly defines scope and central issues of the chapter. I will further refine the outline as I go on.
I hope this helps observe my short-term progress.

test 2


Wednesday, August 11, 2004

reasonable progress?

I have just submitted a document to my supervisor as the first draf of the second chapter of my dissertation.

Since the middle of July, I have been keeping my journal almost everyday (which is unusual for me), trying to observe how many hours I spent to this and that. I thought it's better to do it, and hoped that it would help me better organize my time spent for studying.

But I have to try harder, because I simply couldn't finish my task as I wished.
I must consider what makes me difficult to carry out my plan. The problem at the moment is, I suppose, not really that I cannot set a practical plan which is possible to carry out, but rather that I might always be getting into side-track, and wondering about topics not primarily relevant at the moment. Perhaps I haven't really understood the scope of my dissertaion or essay.

There might be another problem of being unable to consider and then carry out what i should do to achieve the plan I set in advance.

In any case, I really have to tackle with this issue. It has, of course, nothing to do with my subject area. Nor is it especially due to language issues; I had the same problem when I was in Japan. It's just about myself.

I don't want to be pessimistic and mourn that I have made no progress.
But, it is not to say everything is ok if i keep going like this.
I wish to make a bit of progress.


So sleeply, but I have to get my first draft done in 6 hours time.

Monday, August 09, 2004

now or never

Now or never!!
I will finish a first draft of my second chap. today.

Saturday, August 07, 2004


Finally, I think I am moving forward. It took very long time to get to this point.
I will write some other 500 words for today.

Niels struggleing with chopsticks in my kitchin. Posted by Hello

Friday, August 06, 2004

go ahead

I hope to go ahead.
I will do it.


Niels is a guy from Holland. He is one of the seven members doing the same master programme. Today (5th) I happened to see him in the microfilm room in the uni. library. I was kind of happy to have a chat with him there, not only because it was very exciting and useful, but because I really like him as an individual.

His behaviour doesn't look like artificial (I mean, no excess of reservation or manipulation). He is in a way very spontaneous. And, it is very nice to see that he is attractive especially because of that spontanety. It is likely that spontaneous behaviour often brings with it something almost impulsive, or a bit aggresive. But he is not a kind of person who often neglects others.
Today, he raised lots of important questions and issues about my dissertation, which I haven't yet taken seriously. It took a bit of time for me to understand what he was saying, and I felt sorry about it. But I think he didn't have any allogance or irritation in telling what he thought was crucial for my argument. He told me he enjoyed our conversation (or discussion).

If I can be happy today, even though I didn't make planned progress, it should be because of him.

Thursday, August 05, 2004

i'm kind of sad

I feel a bit sad or indignant, when i become aware that i have not made a reasonable progress.
I know there is a sort of fluctuation which makes it difficult to judge my progress of my dissertation in daily basis.
But still!!

Tuesday, August 03, 2004


Every time i receive some encouragement, i feel really grateful for it.
I wish to show my appreciation for it. Not by words, but by showing it makes me change in some way. If I feel confident about myself stepping forward, then, I can comfortably show it again by saying 'thanks'.

how, rather than how many

I tend to keep sitting in front of the computer. It is not that difficult to do that, although it is quite tiring and time consuming.

I want to think about HOW to spend time in front of it, rather than HOW MANY hours I should sit in front of it.

Monday, August 02, 2004


Well, it's the beginning of the week.
Also, it's the beginning of the blog.
This one is basically for my academic progress etc (yes, I'm thinking about creating another one).

I wish to finish a first draft of the second chapter of my dissertation by this weekend.


Please leave your message here!!  
メッセージ残してくれると嬉しいでっす。 更新のペースもきっと上がっちゃいます☆




  留学メモ(1):きっかけと目的意識 <22May2005 first updated>
  留学メモ(2):情報収集(奨学金) (in preparation)
  本音です(1):Overseas Studentは「お客さん」?

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Sunday, August 01, 2004








僕の場合は留学について本当に何も知らなかったので、とにかく留学について手当たり次第調べてみることから始めました。大学の国際センターに行って留学、奨学金関連の資料をかき集めること、British Councilでの英国大学院留学の説明会に出ること、ゼミの先生に相談する、友人のお兄さんで留学経験がある人の話を聞く、などしました。そうする中で知ったのがロータリー財団の国際親善奨学金でした。これに思い切ってトライして運良く選ばれたのが、僕の大学院留学を決定的にしました。(僕は就職活動は殆どしませんでした、スーツを2・3回着た程度です。もっとやってみてもよかった気も今はします)。





