Wednesday, April 26, 2006

5000th visit?


Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Off to Amsterdam

I'm going to Amsterdam to visit Niels tomorrow.

It'll be a great trip for several reasons. I will be with the one who knows the life there, so I'll be off the beaten track. There'll be the Queen's birthday (Sat), the most important national holiday of the country. I have been working quite hard this holiday so deserve a break. And I want to spend some time in a new place with my notebook.

I have been wondering what I want there, and have come up with a few vague ideas. It's perhaps useful to spell this out, as a wish-list for my trip. So here we go:
a) Nice company
b) Nice food
c) Nice music
d) Nice arts, and
e) Nice views
I think these are pretty everything I could think of in a minute, which are indispensable for my quality of life. Nice company is absolutely guaranteed by Niels and his girl friend Vidhi. We'll be going to a party of the footsal club in which Niels plays. That should be an extra fun.

As for food, I will be looking for nice cheese of course, but also will try to get some Dutch herrings ニシン, and 'Genever'. This distilled liqueur has a notorious history, and I - as an historian -feel obliged to test its material impact. Wikipedia and other sources tell us that it was invented in the sixteenth century and came to the British isles with William the 'Orange' at the time of the Glorious Revolution. And thence it evolved into English Gin which came to mess up London streets * as it possibly does thesedays. I shall not forget to mix in my stomach Genever with some local Dutch beers.

As to nice music, I've been checking some Dutch dance music, techno things in particular. It's gonna be an entirely new genre to me. My frined Mr. Mth. might give me some suggestions in this respect, apart from what Niels might recommend.

As arts, I'm sure I will be visiting some museums, including the National Museum and the Van Gogh Museum. But apart from these big places, I will be trying to find some local craft shops or something of that sort. Plus, there will be a lot of fleamarkets on the Queen's BDAY (apparently anyone can sell anything they want that day!), so I'll enjoy that as much as I can.

Finally, as to nice views, I want to go and walk around the city, particularly around its canals. I can perhaps spend some time in a laid back cafe by one of the canals. I'm also keen on seeing hundreds of tulips. I like the shape and the colours of this flower!

Ok, I will report back to you once I have some time there or after I come back here!
Take care.

* William Hogarth, Gin Lane (1751).

Monday, April 24, 2006

Pure Soul



作詞・作曲 TAKURO

何不自由のない暮らしだな だけど何か満たされぬ
そんな夜もあるだろう そんな夜もあるだろう
何を恐れているのかも わからず街を飛び出した
必死で掴もうとしている 栄光は大きな意味を

明日に投げかけたとしても 望まない結末もある
繰り返す暮らしの中で 避けられぬ命題を今 背負って 迷って もがいて 真夜中
出口を探している 手探りで

サイを振る時は訪れ 人生の岐路にたたずむ
共に見た数々の夢を 追いかけ汗を流す仲間もいたな
声をあげかける少年を 振り返る余裕すらなく
擦り切れた若さの残り火 この胸にくすぶらせている 「未だ夜明けは遠く」

「生きてゆくための賢さを 今ひとつ持たずにいるの」と
誰かがふいにぼやいても それはみんな同じだろう
ささやかな喜びのために いくばくかの情を捨てたとき
夢を大事にしろよなんて いつからか言えなくなっていた

独りにはなりたくないと 泣き濡れた夜もあったな・・・
あの日々の二人がなぜに こんなにも愛しく見える ずいぶん遠くへずっと遠くへ

愛は愛のままじゃいられず いつか形を変えるだろう
共に生きる家族 恋人よ 僕はうまく愛せているのだろうか
よく出来た解答の果てに 悩みぬく世の中はなぜ?
平凡で手あかのついた言葉でも 愛してると伝えてほしい

あなたの言葉も聴こえなくなるほど 遠くに来ました 

夜明け前 独りで高速を走った 過ぎゆく景色 季節 思い憤り全てを越えてみたくて

サイを振る時は訪れ 人生の岐路にたたずむ
今いる自分を支えてくれた人 この歌が聴こえてるだろうか?
祈るような毎日の中で もっと強く生きてゆけと
少しだけ弱気な自分を励ます もう戻れぬあの日の空

人の優しさに 触れたときなぜか 思い出すことがある
初めてひとり歩き出した 幼い僕を見つめるその愛

Sunday, April 23, 2006

International Dinner at Queen Margaret's

Main building, Queen Margaret's School
I have been teaching Japanese to a Thai girl since last October. She goes to (or rather stays at) Queen Margaret's School just outside the city of York, a very posh girls' boarding school (The teacher-student ratio is an amazing 1:7 in this school, which looks after just over 350 students)! Today, I had an honour to be invited to an informal dinner which celebrates the School's cultural diversity.

The building of the School was originally built as a country house for some gentleman or aristocrat, and today's venue was what used be a ball room, where ladies and gentlemen gathered for feasts over champagne and laughter. Nowadays, the room is clammed with not-so-difficult books like Lonely Planets and Bridget Jones' Diary; and today, it was crowded with teenage girls and some teachers and private tutors of the School. Most of the food provided were cooked by participants and were indeed very good.
Ball room / Library Queen Margaret's SchoolMy Dear Student and my friends
Bas, a Thai girl with white T-Shirt, made an excellent rice noodles and contributed to a screen presentation about the cultural diversity of the school (photo on the lest). I felt quite proud of my student indeed! But I was impressed as much by the interior of the ball-room as by all we had this evening! You can see from the photos how extragavant it is for a library!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Andy's Birthday Drink

Andy's B-Day drink at Olde Starre Inne
Went to the famours "Olde Starre Inne", the oldest surviving licensed pub in York that dates back to the 1640s. Surrounded by good old faces, it was just as comfortable as in my room. Happy birthday Andy!!

"Olde Starre Inne" は17世紀のスペリングです。今ならOld Star Innですね。写真からも分かりますが、イギリスのビールジョッキは非常に大きいです。何しろ基本単位の1Pint(パイント)=568mlです。何気に飲みっぷりがすごく良くなります! 1/2パイントもあるけど、あまり飲みません。

ヨークはパブと地ビールがすごく有名な街で、壁に囲まれた小さな市街地にパブが200店以上あるそうです。多分僕は10箇所も行ったかどうか。。 地ビールは炭酸の少ない(か入っていない)Ale(エール)が主流で、炭酸が舌を刺激しない分、色々な味が楽しめるといった感じです。最初はうげっ、気が抜けたビールだなぁ、と思っていましたが、すぐに虜になります。
Andy's B-Day drink at Olde Starre Inne

Monday, April 17, 2006

Diary: York Minster Uncloistered

I could not concentrate on my study after I came back from a computer room. I then decided to go to the concert of my friend. She's a member of a quintet called "Uncloistered", which specializes in medieval/renaissance church musics. I once saw her performance in a church nearby and enjoyed it; so I was looking forward to listening her performance again.

It was at its best excellent. The venue was a magnificent chapel in the Minster, the most important church in York (in fact the second most important church in England)!! Its high ceiling sometimes gave an extra echo to their voice, so I particularly enjoyed songs which allowed their voice to fade into the sacred space above us. I wanted to pray to God if one should exsist for me. Give me the strength to understand and face the path you have taken. And save me from mistakes and miseries when I could ever afford to avoid them!

A stained glass and the ceiling in Minster

Friday, April 14, 2006

Diary: A windy day out

昨日はイースターの週末になる前の買い物にとCity Centreへ出かけてきた。風が強かったけれど天気はよかったので、思い切ってぐるっと遠回りして散歩しながら行くことにした。その時のことを辿ってみようと思う。



Clifford Tower

歩道を歩いていくと木々の奥にClifford's Towerが見えてくる。11世紀にウィリアム征服王が経てた要塞に起源を持つという。このタワーに登ったことがあるが、天気が良い日にはヨークミンスターをはじめ町の様子が見渡すことが出来るのがよい。それにこの季節になると、黄色い花が隆起した土台の部分を覆う。間近から見上げるととてもきれいだ。


Off Ouse Bridge





In the Musium Garden, York, 13 April 2006


Flowers in the Musium Garden



The City Wall

何でもこんな風に水仙が都市部に群生しているのは稀だそうで、この時期は街の壁にそって咲く花を楽しみに来る人も多いとのことだった。確かしかに日陰でもきれいに咲いている水仙はなかなか見ていて気分が良かった。 スーパーに着く。そしてどっさりと買い込む。今回は特別おいしそうな豚肉を買ってみた。今度ソテーにしてみようと思う。

A small flat in the dusk


ようやく部屋に戻るとすぐに暗くなった。それでも8時近くまでは明るいのは、冬の日照時間の短さの埋め合わせということだろう。 ご飯を作る前に温めたタオルを顔にのせて気分を入れ直す。晩ご飯は手っ取り早くスパゲティーペペロンチーノ。ソーセージに適当な野菜とほうれん草を入れる。気が付けばもう夜だった。ひどく疲れていた。たくさん歩いたのだもの、仕方が無い。声がかかっていた(友達の)友達の誕生日パーティーは街の真ん中のパブでやるという。生憎だったが行かないことにして、ぐったりとする。こんな日があっても良いだろう、と思ってベッドにはいる。昔読みかけた本を手に取るけれど、どこを読んだか思い出すことも出来ずに眠りに落ちた。

Monday, April 10, 2006


BeforeBefore ==>After!
I asked KEN THE PHILOSOPHER-HAIRDRESSER to cut my hair. It was the first time to have my hair cut other than in hair-dressers. It was really refreshing. Indeed, the difference is clear from my posture. Before that, I was sitting on the floor very idly (far left). But afterwards, I felt so refreshed that I was sitting quite upright (far right). Big thanks to KEN!!

Sunday, April 09, 2006




特に日本の映画というのは、宮崎駿の数本を除いてほとんど見たことが無くって、劇場で観たといったら「東映マンガ祭り」の類と「七人のオタク」とか「マリリンに会いたい」とかそれくらいだった訳です。 (あ、けどこないだALWAYS三丁目の夕日観ました!)





今日は時間があったら晩御飯の後にCity of God(2003)を観ようと思います。これは友人に勧められたことがあるので、楽しみです。